Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Jessica Simpson Wants to Adopt!

Jessica Simpson wants to join the parade of celebrities opting to adopt. In Jessica's case, she fully admits a selfish motive.... she's not sure she can handle the pain of childbirth more than once!

She said: "I want to adopt before I actually have my own kids. I want three kids - but I don't know if I can give birth three times. I'll have to see how much pain is involved first time round!"

Jessica gives credit for her decision to adopt to Angelina Jolie.

She explains: "I think Angelina Jolie has done amazing things. The international adoption rate has skyrocketed."

She said: "Ever since I was a kid I said I wanted to save the world somehow, I didn't know how. I think I'll end up doing things that can touch somebody in some way that's good - like through orphanages."


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Jessica -

    Heads up - when one adopts, that child is their own. Period.

    Positive adoption language.

    Learn it.

    Love it.

    Use it.

  2. I wish someone would just duct-tape her mouth shut.
