Monday, September 10, 2007

Naomi Watts Learning to Balance Motherhood

It's only been six-weeks since Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber welcomed son, Alexander Pete, but the new mom is handling life as a working mom like a pro. The actress is currently in Toronto to promote her latest film, Eastern Promises, at the Toronto Film Festival.

"My belly is empty, but it still hasn't gone away," jokes Watts about her tummy where six-week-old son, Alexander Pete, once resided. The couple have nicknamed the tot "Sasha" to pay tribute to his Ukranian heritage.

Like many new moms, Watts is moving about with a mix of new baby love and overwhelming sleep deprivation.

"There's no question I'm not as present as I would normally be right now," she says as she relaxes into a couch after having just fed the baby. "But I am here."

The shoot for film was a new experience for the seasoned actress who found out she was expecting Sasha midway through the project.
"Three weeks into it, I found out I was pregnant and that changed things a little. There were a lot of night shoots, and I didn't feel all that well, and my mind was filled with all these different thoughts about the fact that I was going to be a mother," she says.

Watts has no plans to stop working anytime soon and plans to work her filming schedule around her family.

"I want to be a good mum. I'm not quite sure exactly what [that statement] means to me. But I've got friends who have given up everything to be there for their family, but I've always wondered, are they at peace with themselves? I think balancing career and family is just one of those things you have to work out as you go along. I think it's important to keep growing as a human being and to take care of your own needs as well as your family's but I don't know if you should abandon your own life for your child's. I love my work, and if it were just a job to me, I'd be happy to leave it behind. But it's not."

Watts heads back to work in November and is already planning on how she'll need to make adjustments to fulfill Alexander's needs.

"It won't be easy because I'm breastfeeding," she says. "But I'm committed to my work. I love it. It keeps me alive. Besides, I feel if I'm feeding myself creatively, I'm also feeding my child in a creative way."

Despite her desire to stay a working mother, she wants to focus on her primarily role as a mom.

"I think Sasha is going to help me find greater meaning in just about everything I do. I'm really just beginning to get a handle on it mentally, because the whole birth thing is such a physical and dramatic experience. You're so in your body that it's almost an out-of-body experience," she says.

"I keep replaying the birth in my mind because it was so powerful. There's a little tiny creature in that room next door, and I'm still getting used to that. Last year at this time, he was just an idea. Now he's a reality."

Although she's not stopping, she admits that she'll probably do fewer movies and balance the schedule with partner Schreiber.

"I think the two of us can keep working, but always with the idea of being together as much as possible as a family. But in the end, I think there is no right way. You have to figure out what's right for you as you go along," she says. "At least, at this point in my career, I take comfort in the fact that I feel I have nothing left to prove."


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