Thursday, August 09, 2007

Britney Spears Fender Bender Mishap

When I saw the photos of Britney Spears getting into another fender bender earlier this week, I decided not to bother posting about it. The photos were everywhere else for the world to see including the owner of the car that got nicked.

Britney hit the car as pictured and got out to check out the damage to her own car before heading off for some shopping. What she didn't do was leave a note for the car she hit or attempt to contact her in any way at all.

Imagine the surprise of the owner, Kim Robard-Rifkin, of the silver Mercedes-Benz she hit to see photos of her car plastered across the Internet.

"It's sad because I was really hoping she'd step up and be a mensch, be a human being," Robard-Rifkin said. "It was simply like my car didn't matter to her, my inconvenience didn't matter to her."

That accident etiquette faux pas has come back to haunt Spears as Robard-Rifkin filed a police report on the incident earlier today.

"There were obviously a lot of paparazzi there and what kind of person wouldn't realize that this (would) be on TV and she had to be responsible and contact me," she said.

"I'm not asking for money. I'm not asking for a new car. ... I simply want my car fixed, the same as I would fix somebody's car if I had done that."

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