About the show:
Niki:[Producers are] looking for the mom who is most comfortable [as] the PTA mom and a mom where all the kids go and hang out at her house. It helps if she’s a hot mom, too. They’re looking for a combination of what’s on the inside and on the outside.
On life with her hew husband, Nascar driver Burney Lamar and 12-year-old twin sons: [Laughs] There’s a lot of testosterone, but I love it. I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m so blessed with the three men in my life.
On adding more kids to the family:
I think we’re going to try at the end of the year. [I want] a few more.
On hot-mom fashion trends for this season:
You can’t go wrong with jeans, a high heel and a sexy top. That’s just uniform for a hot mom.
On what makes her feel sexy:
My husband always makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful girl ever. He makes me feel like I’m 13. To feel that way is so exciting!
On being married to a younger guy:
It’s awesome! He is younger than I am but he’s probably more responsible than I am. He’s more of a grown-up and he’s got an old soul and great sense of humor. If you can’t laugh with each other, you don’t have a chance in hell.
On who she thinks is a hot mom:
"Stacy’s Mom" -- Rachel Hunter. She was in the video and she’s definitely a hot mom. We used to do CoverGirl together. She’s an awesome girl, so down-to-earth. She’s the epitome of a sexy mom. Her and Christy Turlington.
Source: US Weekly
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