Friday, November 03, 2006

Michael J Fox on Parkinson's and His Family

Despite being diagnosed with Parkinson's 15 years ago, Michael J. Fox has kept focus on what is really important, his family.

"I'm so blessed with a great family, and I've had success in my career," the actor tells People magazine. "I feel this is a really unique opportunity for me to help out and try to effect change."

"I have less control over the way my body moves," he says. "The thing that gets tougher as you go along is that the medication gets less effective and has more side effects. So it's a lot more challenging."

His condition has become a hot button in several of the upcoming elections. He recently filmed a campaign commercial for Missour Senate challenger Clair McCaskill and was publically ridiculed by Rush Limbaugh who claims that Fox was exaggerating his symptoms.

Boston Legal executive producer Bill D'Elia responds to the Limbaugh criticism saying, "Michael has good days and bad, but the debilitating effects of the disease are obvious and ever-present. I've seen Michael during the filming appear just as he did in the commercial. We worked with him and around him to create the scenes we needed."

Fox and his wife Tracy do their best to keep life normal for their three kids, Sam - 17, twins Aquinnah and Schuyler, 11; and Esme, 5."This time of year what we do is supervise homework and get kids to the bus, music lessons, soccer practice and ballet. Just all the regular stuff."

"There's nothing like supervising four kids – one in preschool, two in middle school and one in high school. Between talking about colleges and trying to pick a kindergarten, it's a pretty busy life. It takes your mind off just about everything."

He goes on to say that his condition has become such a part of the family's life that the kids, – rarely mention it anymore. "They know it so intimately," he says. "It would be like asking your mother what it's like to be that tall."

Source: PEOPLE

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