Actress Sela Ward looks as gorgeous on the cover of the October issue of
More magazine to promote her new film,
The Stepfather.
Some highlights from the interview:
About turning 50 back in 2006: “It’s not about aging, it’s just, wow, life is flying. I haven’t gone through menopause yet, but I know it’s coming. This Chinese doctor where I get acupuncture told me they call menopause the second spring. Which is the most fabulous way to put it. We’ve got a whole second life ahead of us to pursue our passions. We’ve been ambitious and driven, trying to find the right guy and have a family, and you get on the other side of that and you go, Now what?”
About being second in line for Demi Moore’s Charlie’s Angels villain role:“I’ll never forget it. I was 48 or 49, on a boat trip in the Caribbean. I looked at the picture and went, ‘I am never going to look like that again.’ I just got tired when I looked at the cover of that magazine. I just said, ‘Screw it, can I have another glass of wine?”
About her plans to leave Los Angeles after her son, Austin, 15, finishes high school: “I’m not sure why I’m still there. I’m not a part of that world. Everybody’s focused on things that are so ephemeral, particularly people’s looks. And I see myself aging. I can’t play the ingénue anymore – though in my mind I can – and I’m grappling with losing that part of my identity.”
Source: More