Friday, September 07, 2007

Amanda Peet is Head over Heels with her Little Tomboy

Amanda Peet is head over heels in love with her daughter, Frances Pen, who arrived on February 20.

"I'm so happy, I can't bear it," the actress says. "I'm so in love with her."

It hasn't all been easy and Peet admits that the early days were especially difficult. "In the beginning it's hard ...because they aren't giving you anything back and you think you're supposed to be really happy, but, in fact, you're actually psychotic because of sleep deprivation," she says.

"But now it's beautiful. It's like I'm in love with someone else," Peet said at Glamour magazine's Fashion Gives Back Party in New York City.

Now that Frances is getting more active, the two have worked out a flexible daily routine. "We wake up and play, she naps and I do my own thing like check e-mail, we have lunch, then she naps again,"

The actress has started introducing solid food into the mix. Saying, "She's obsessed with avocados!"

"I mash them up and feed them to her," says Peet. "I mash everything up like peaches, mango, peas and carrots."

The couple have come up with the perfect nickname for the tot: Frankie.

"My husband loved the name, and, when I was younger, I loved the book The Member of the Wedding," Peet explains. "That character was kind of sad, but she's a super cool tomboy."

Source: People

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