Thursday, October 12, 2006

Kate Winslet Hates Hollywood's Obsession with Skinny

Kate Winslet hates Hollywood's obsession with skinny models and actresses after experiencing media criticism about her weight after the release of Titanic in 1997.

She recalls, "I don't really remember sitting down and eating packets and packets of Hob Nobs (biscuits). But at that time I remember making a conscious decision about the whole skinny thing.

"Being a normal shape - and I hate to sound like a cracked record - is really, really important to me. Especially now, when I think it's pretty out of control in the industry and kind of terrifying.

"I definitely had a moment where I thought, 'Hang on, I know I'm definitely not fat, maybe I put on half a stone or whatever, but I'm not fat, I'm just not skinny anymore.' And when I was skinny, I was really unhappy and unhealthy."

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