Thursday, August 31, 2006

Are Nicole Kidman Photos Being Photoshopped?

Are photo agencies manipulating Nicole Kidman’s pictures to make her look pregnant?

That’s the suggestion being made by the “Stepford Wives” star’s rep — after a magazine called "New Deal" paid $20,000 for a pic of the svelte star showing a bit of a belly.

“Afraid they wasted their money,” Kidman’s rep, Catherine Olim, told The Scoop. “[Kidman's] not pregnant.” Olim pointed out that the star wouldn’t be “shooting a film, traveling to Rome for another film, then shooting ANOTHER film if she were” with child.

“Incidentally, I’m virtually certain paparazzi are distorting photos to make her look pregnant,” Olim added. “I’ve seen her, she’s her regular slender self.”

Source: PEOPLE

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