Thursday, July 20, 2006

Troubled Actress Natasha Lyonne ..... Hmmmmm

Troubled actress Natasha Lyonne (of the American Pie movies) appears to be recovering from her recent legal and drug issues and may be moving onto our bump watch list.

[Update: Apparently her Hepatitus C may be causing her to look pregnant due to swelling in her liver.]

source: Splashnews


  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Nope. That's just weight gain, par for the course after kicking drugs.

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Her weight gain does seem to be concentrated in her belly area, and it seems to be firm and high instead of saggy and low. Whatever the case, I hope she's ok. Her drug battle has been so sad.

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

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