Sarah Jessica Parker is featured on the cover of the March issue of Harper’s Bazaar. in the accompanying article, The Sex and the City actress talks fashion faux-pas, Carrie Bradshaw, and what she couldn't live without.
On regretting her decision to wear black on her wedding day:
“I’m not kidding. White it up. I’d wear a beautiful, proper wedding dress, like I should have worn on the day.”
On her connection with women:
“I’m very flattered by the connection with women. It doesn’t mean that I always want to have a picture taken at inopportune times with people on the street who stop me, but almost everything I do outside of work, I want to do it for them. They are first and foremost in my mind.”
On her view of fashion:
“I don’t have the Carrie Bradshaw passion and devotion to it, but I would much prefer that life would allow for a beautiful shoe all day long. To stand in Mr. de la Renta’s atelier and have him build a dress on you, that is amazing. And honestly, it’s a great honour to be able to borrow something that weighs 40 pounds and requires three people to help you walk.”
On walking in Carrie Bradshaw's shoes:
“I got to wear such incredible things, and you make such mistakes and there’s such hits and great triumphs and there’s incredible wrong, wrong, wrong. But it’s so much fun.”
On aging in Hollywood:
“It’s a real crucible because you feel daunted by your peers who somehow get younger and younger. People older than me have fewer lines than I do. And no, you’re not supposed to talk about it; you’re supposed to admire the fact that they look 22 even though they’re 58.”
On her view of being a modern celebrity:
“Don’t surround yourself with bodyguards and SUVs, and return everything you are loaned in the shape in which you received it — unless you have to cut yourself out of it! Return jewelry, return bags, clean out the bags! I would say, Try to be kind. I know what it’s like to get up the courage to approach somebody, to tell them how much you admire them.”
On what she couldn't live without:
“My son! My husband! Food! Oh, fashion? I don’t know. A good bra?”
For the rest of the interview pick up the March issue of Harper’s Bazaar which hits newsstands on February 17.
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