The busy mom plays a number of roles in her active life: actress, singer, child advocate and author.
Here are some highlights from their interview:
The one thing she vowed she would never do when she had kids but that she now finds herself doing:
Licking my fingers and wiping stuff off their face with them! Gross!
On how she maintains balance in her life:
YOGA or any exercise helps me maintain my sanity, at least momentarily. Breathing in and out slowly, both on and off a yoga mat, surprisingly helps. As a family, we make it a point to slow down at the end of the day and eat dinner together – nothing beats a dinner conversation and it’s amazing what you hear and learn!
On her favorite thing to do with her kids:
Snuggle! The best nights are when we slip into our comfy Hanes sweats and tees
On her own guilty pleasure:
An entire day at the spa…must make time!! I just turn off my cell phone and get the works, guilt-free.
On the best and worst things about being a working mom:
Best: Your children see you being independent, responsible and providing for them.
Worst: They see you less.
Visit Mommytrack'd for the rest of the interview!
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