Brad Pitt has found a way to overcome the sadness he says has followed him since he was a child -- having children of his own.
"It's the greatest thing I've ever taken on," Pitt said of being a parent on ABC's Good Morning America. "It's the most difficult, the most rewarding and the most fun. I think this is the greatest thing I could possibly achieve, and hats off to all the parents out there."
He says he believes the sadness is a way of life in the prairies of Missouri where he grow up. "It's something that I feel in my grandparents, in the people I've met, in a Southern way of life," said Pitt. "It's something pervasive, an undercurrent that I think Christianity answers."
Being surrounded by kids has lifted the sadness for Pitt. He says: "They say the funniest things I've ever heard, They're the funniest people I've ever met."
Another things that he values is having some help raising the kids -- in the form of Angelina Jolie
"One of the things I'm most happy about for my kids," Pitt said, "is that they have a mother, I think, because she's amazing."
Source: People
Sadness is a way of life in certain geographical areas? Get some meds, Brad!