Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Brad Pitt Is Kinda Sick of Himself

Brad Pitt is everywhere right now talking about his charity work in New Orleans. He talked with NBC's Ann Curry this morning on Today.

Here are some highlights:

On being grateful to his kids:
"It changes ... it completely changes your perspective. And certainly takes the focus off yourself, which I'm really grateful for. [Laughs] I'm really grateful to them."

On being a good dad:
"I'm so tired of thinking about myself. I'm kinda sick of myself. I can't do justice to it anymore than any other parent can. You feel that you want to be there and you don't want to miss out on anything. And it's a true joy. And you want to be there for them if they need anything. It's a true joy. "

On his fortunate life and helping the world:
"Man, I got kids now. And it really changes your perspective on the world. And, you know, I've had my day. I've had my day. I made some films and I've really had a very fortunate life. And it's time for me to share that a bit."

On his new sense of accomplishment:
"[The kids are the] best thing I ever did. You know, you can write a book, you can make a movie, you can draw, paint a painting, but having kids is really the most extraordinary thing I've ever taken on. And, man, if I can get a burp out of that [baby], that little thing, I'll feel such a sense of accomplishment."

Source: MSNBC

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