Friday, June 22, 2007

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey Aspire to Be Like Kurt and Goldie

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey have been together for over a year now, but the couple have now plans to walk down the aisle any time soon.

"There will be no wedding," says McCarthy. "Goldie [Hawn] and Kurt [Russell] have it made, and that's what we can strive for."

Carrey has a 19-year-old daughter, Jane, and McCarthy has a 5-year-old son Evan Joseph.

"I'm completely fine not having any more children," she said. "I completely love mine, and I love giving him all of my attention."

McCarthy's new book, Louder Than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism, about her sons struggle with the disorder hits shelves this September. "He's doing great!" she said. "I pick him up from preschool, take him to gym class, then speech therapy. I take him home, we play, I feed him, I give him a bath and then I read him a bedtime story and put him to bed. So that's my workout."

She keeps to strict healthy diet. The Weight Watchers spokesperson says, "It's all about fruits and vegetables, and introducing that to my normal everyday. Before it would be fill up on meals, but now it's fill up on fruits and vegetables and still enjoy your pizza and chips."

The only thing she has formally planned for this summer with her family. "Beach beach beach beach beach," she said. "We like to sit and do nothing. Stare at the ocean and go 'ohhmmm.' "

Source: People

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