Thursday, May 10, 2007

Johnny Depp Talks About His Daughter's Illness

Johnny Depp is talking for the first time about the recent health scare of his seven-year-old daughter Lily-Rose who is recovering from E.coli poisoning.

"It gave us a great scare," he says. "What got us through this wasn't the strength of Vanessa or me but our daughter and her incredible ability to make us feel OK even though she was very unwell. She was super-strong."

Lily-Rose spent nine days hospitalized with the potentially fatal infection which had caused her kidneys to shut down.

"It was a very bumpy patch but she has come through it beautifully and unscathed and she is now as healthy as she always was. She is wonderful." he says.

"It was a reminder to us of how lucky we are to be able to breathe, walk, talk, think and surround ourselves with people we love."

Next up for Depp is the release of the third Pirates of the Caribbean film later this summer. He admits that he loves the character of Captain Jack Sparrow and credits the character with stabilizing his career and family.

"He [Captain Jack] and Pirates have afforded me and my family a certain luxury in that we are able to live a little more comfortably and it will be something that will reverberate for my kids and their kids," he admits.

Source: Mirror

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