Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Britney Spears Says She Hit Rock Bottom

Britney Spears has posted a letter on her official website attempting to explain her erratic behavior over the past year.

In the messge, Spears says that she was "so lost" following her divorce from Kevin Federline and that she was "like a bad kid running around with ADD."

She goes on to thank her fans for their support during the past year saying: "I am only human people and I love you for still loving me."

She says that she feels "truly blessed" to have sons, Sean Preston, 20 months, and Jayden James, 8 months, in her life.

Spears calls her recent stay in rehab "humbling" and says that she "truly hit rock bottom." Despite that admission, she says that she still doesn't think that her behavior was a result of alcohol or depression. She says her behavior was a result of being "lost" and that she did not know what to do with herself following the divorce.

Spears claims to be at peace now and remembers back to having the same feeling of peace when she was a little girl dancing and singing. She says she now finds the same feeling by spending time with her children. She says, "I find with my children that I want them to have that feeling all of the time. I am having to face a lot of things right now since I have children of my own. A lot of insecurities from when I was little are coming up again. It is like we are never good enough."

Source: Britney Spears

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