The end of their marriage according to him was Spelling's relationship with now-husband Dean McDermott which Shanian learned about from a supermarket tabbloid.
"Fifteen months into my marriage, I opened the National Enquirer to see pictures of what appeared to be my wife giving another man a lap dance," Shanian writes.
The official end of their relationship came in her therapist's office, where she revealed that she didn't marry him for the right reasons.
"She had only married me because I loved her and took care of her," he writes. "She had purposefully shown me only 10 percent of her true personality."
Ex-mother-in-law, Candy Spelling, also gets a cold review from Shanian: "She liked to cast an icy glare and pretend to forget how to pronounce my name,. Sha-nay-an? No, Sha-nigh-an? Well, what's the difference? Nobody knows it anyway."
As for Spelling's affair, Shanian says: "In the end, I didn't screw up, she did. Well, some might say she screwed down, but that’s a matter of opinion."
Spelling and McDermott recently welcomed son, Liam Aaron McDermott.
he also said in that article he forgives her. why he's doing this now i don't know-time to move on.