Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rumor: Anna Nicole Smith May Have Died from Sleeping Pill Overdose

With a press conference scheduled for Monday morning to release the cause of death of Anna Nicole Smith, it was a sure bet that someone would leak the information over the weekend.

Both the Star and the National Enquirer are reporting that that Anna Nicole Smith passed away last month due to an overdose of a potent sleep aid. She was also reportedly suffering from a sever blood infection that was the cause of her severe fever and nausea in the days leading up to her death.

The infection was apparently the result of an injection given to the model three days before she died from an unsterilized needle.

The saddest part of the story is that it is probable that Anna Nicole would have survived the infection had she been properly treated in the hospital for the infection.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I agree, this is a very sad story.

    I think that Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead are in collusion and are both scum bags. Birkhead's attorney resigned yesterday because of improper influence by Howard K. Stern.

    The cause of death has been somehow leaked: an overdose of the highly addictive, anti-anxiety and "downer" drug choral hydate. It is the same drug that caused Marilyn Monroe's fatal overdose.

    Anna was self-medicating a life long struggle with relentless pressure, stress and probably depression.

    She is now at peace, knowing that her daughter, Danielynn, will utlimately live a life without financial worries, surrounded by people who will truely love her, bond with her and support of all of her emotional needs.
