Thursday, March 01, 2007

Patrick Dempsey Adapts to Life with Twins

Grey's Anatomy's Patrick Dempsey talks to People magazine in this week's issue about the recent birth of his twins, Sullivan Patrick and Darby Galen.

"It was a bit surreal," says Dempsey says about the moment his boys arrived on February 1st.

His wife, Jillian Fink, has had to give the new dad a primer to bring his baby skills back up to date. "I think sometimes he forgets that when babies are first born, they don't have any neck muscles," she says, "and I'm like, 'Whoa! Baby head wobbling down to your feet!' "

A major adjustment has been the new diaper changing technique required for boys (the couple has a five year old daughter Talula) "That's a whole different technique!"

Check out People for a sneak peek at the first photos of his boys!

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