Monday, February 26, 2007

Introducing Heaven Rain Charvet

Brooke Burke and David Charvet introduce daughter Heaven Rain to the world in this week's issue of In Touch Weekly.

Brooke says: “Motherhood is my biggest accomplishment, and to experience it with someone like David is amazing."

She says big sisters, Neriah, 7, and Sierra, 4 are "handling it really well."

David is enjoying being a first time dad saying, “We’re all a family now.”

Brooke describes rain: “She looks more like her dad, but she’s got my personality." She goes on to say, “She’s a really good baby. She’s happy and mellow, just like her sisters.”

The couple are already planning another sibling for the family. “We’d love to have a son,” Brooke says. “God willing, we’ll be that lucky.”

Source: In Touch Weekly

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