Monday, January 08, 2007

Note from Emma

Just an update since I was not posting over the weekend. My dad is home from the hospital -- the insurance company opted for out-patient rehab only. He is doing very good although he still has some issues walking and has occassional double vision. The doctor expects a full recovery although it may take a little longer than if he was able to go to the full time rehab place.

On a side note, I fell and broke my ankle on Friday. I skipped a step on a flight of stairs and crashed and burned.

We than had to take a train 2000 miles with two three year olds, a seven year old, and me with a broken ankle.

We are now safely home and I will be posting throughout the day trying to catch up.

I also had boxes full of adorable samples for The Stylish Child so check for a bunch of updates this week plus a few upcoming giveaways right here at Celebrity-Moms!

If you've sent me an email over the last week or two, I will try to get caught up and respond today. It has been a very crazy couple of weeks and I have a ton to sort through.

Best Wishes,



  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Well gald to hear your dad is mending well. So sorry about the ankle, so not fun. I did the same thing a few years back but ended up with a nasty sprain, darn those steps sometimes ;-)

  2. Anonymous3:09 PM

    OMG! emma hope u r ok! ouch re: the train ride. u can't even play licence plate spotting games on a train. dang. glad ur dad is getting there. keep us posted and take care.


  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Glad everyone is ok but I must say you have had one hell of a weekend/month. Love your blog.

  4. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I'm sorry to hear about your ankle! Please take care of yourself!! Glad to hear though that your dad is doing pretty good!
