Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Rachel Weisz on Drinking While Pregnant

Rachel Weisz has started quite a controversy over some recent comments she gave about it being acceptable expectant mothers to drink alcohol.

Rachel reportedly sais that she thought it was fine for pregnant mothers to have a glass of wine after the first three months of pregnancy.

She went to add: "I mean in Europe they drink it."

Medical experts are calling her comments dangerous and ill-informed.

Weisz’s rep has confirmed that the actress made the comments. "She was speaking only about herself and what her doctor said was okay for her," says the rep. "She wasn't speaking as an expert. She believes everyone should consult their own physician to see what is right for them."

In the US and Canada, complete abstinence from drinking is advised for expectant mothers due to the potential risk of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. However, UK guidelines allow pregnant women one or two small glasses of wine or single measures of a spirit, once or twice a week.


  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Sane people with half a brain knew exactly what Rachel meant, it was the media who blew it out of proportion.

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    The media did blow this out of proportion. Rachel's comments were innocent but they tried to make her an unfit mother because of it.

    A glass of wine will not hurt your unborn child if you know how to drink moderately and know when to do it. Rachel said those things but notice that the media did not report that.

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Anybody with half a brain knew what Rachel was talking about. It was the press that tried to make it something else.
