Thursday, November 09, 2006

Denise Richards Run-in with Paparazzi

Denise Richards was involved in a run-in with paparazzi on the set of her new movie Blonde and Blonder. Two laptops were tossed off a hotel balcony and a senior citizen was slightly injured in the incident.

According to reports the Mounties were called to the River Rock Casino Resort where Denise was filming after she took issue with two photographers on the set. Denise then approached the photographers and threw their laptops off the balcony of the hotel. One of the computers struck an 80-year-old woman in a wheelchair in the arm. The woman was not seriously injured as was not pursuing criminal charges.

The movie production company has agreed to pay for the damages to the photographers' computers, according to the Mounties spokesperson.

Richards rep tells People magazine, "Based on the actions of the paparazzi, they are lucky their laptops are the only things that were tossed over the balcony."

Source: PEOPLE


  1. This woman never met a photo op that she didn't LOVE, so why the sudden change of heart? And what kind of an idiot throws not one but TWO laptops off of a hotel balcony? She's bright, this one.

  2. I honestly can't believe that she just threw them off without thinking about anyone sitting or walking below. She has two small children, she really should think through her actions.
