Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Kingston Rossdale - OK Magazine


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I know everyone out there loves Gwen, and I always get called on it when I write any comments other than glowing ones of her, but these pictures, most of them anyway, are ridiculous. The three of them on the bed where she's doing her best pouty face, ugh. Yuck.

  2. I totally agree with you. I do typically like Gwen, but I don't think these photos do the couple justice. Normally when you see them as a couple they are smiling and enjoying themselves, the photos are just too uptight for their rock 'n roll personalities.

  3. Oh.... but Kingston is gorgeous!

  4. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Thank you! I agree the baby is adorable. But they have some kind of a gothic Elvira thing going on here that just kind of creeps me out. I so preferred the photots Brad & Angelina put out.

  5. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Totally agree. I was thinking exactly the same thing myself. Come on Gwen, pay more attention to the baby and less to the camera and you won't look so silly.
    Just wondering--do you actually think they approved the selection of these photos for OK Magazine?? that would be even worse!

  6. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Yes! People feel the same way I do! Every picture I've seen of her since the baby came along has my mind blown. WHEN and HOW does she find the time to get primped to within an inch of her life to take her son to a doctor's appointment? She's always playing up to the cameras. I just get the impression that her appearance is waaaay to important to her.

  7. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I know I felt he same way about her, but she has a nanny who probably watches the baby while she gets dolled up everyday! Her baby is cute though..looks like his dad!
