Monday, June 12, 2006

Celebrity Encounter: Outkast

One of our readers, Stacey at Karma Baby, sent us in these great photos of her son Elijah with Andre of Outkast. Stacey and her family were out eating at an Atlanta vegetarian restaurant when Andre came in and sat in the outside terrace with them. Their son Elijah worked his baby magic and he and Andre became fast friends! Throughout dinner Andre were making facing and playing with each other and at the end of the evening Andre was kind enough to pose for these adorable pictures. I especially like the one of the two looking at each other you can tell he is a natural with babies!

Outkast has a new album, Idlewild, coming out on August 22nd along with a movie of the same title coming out on August 25th.

Thanks so much to Stacey for the photos and please check out her complete baby sling line at Karma Baby!


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Doesn't he have a child with another singer? he looks like a really nice man in these photos

  2. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I think it's with Erykah Badu and I think the kid's name is Puma. I don't know why, but that's my recollection. Don't quote me on it! And he looks like a lot of fun, I totally agree. And I'm so used to seeing him in those flashy outfits that I never noticed how good-lookin' he is!

  3. I looked it up and he does have a son with Erykah Budu, but it is her older son named Seven. Puma is her daughter reportedly with The D.O.C.

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I bought a sling from Karma Baby and it has been the best thing I could ever have for my new baby. I would tell everyone that they need one of these slings. With 3 kids it helps out more than you would ever think.
